Below are the instructions that the nominee will receive if they are nominated in the advising category:
The prize for this award is $2000 (less the standard deductions for income tax and social security). Please note that if you have won an advising award in the last five years, you are not eligible to apply at this time. You also must be in a full-time advising position to be eligible.
To apply, please complete the short survey and submit your required application materials, as outlined below, by 11:59 p.m. on January 26, 2025. Please submit all documents as one pdf using the following naming format: Category_Year_LastName (e.g., OutstandingUGAdvising_2024_Diaz). The file can be electronic documents combined into one PDF or a scan of a hardcopy packet.
Submit your application PDF.
Application Submission Guidelines:
Evidence: Create a packet of the following materials in support of your nomination. The entire evidence packet should be as concise as possible.
A title page with your name, department/school/college, and the award category to which you are applying.
In one page, provide an academic advising philosophy prepared by the candidate addressing each of the four following questions.
- Why am I an academic advisor?
- What advising approaches and/or theories do I use with students?
- How do I work to fulfill the stated mission and goals of my institution and academic unit?
- How do I know that I have made a difference in the lives of my students?
A narrative addressing the impact your academic advising practice (e.g., degree planning, course/major selection, etc.) has had on student experience and success.
- Must include evidence corroborating your narrative. Evidence can include direct feedback from students such as student satisfaction survey data, and/or qualitative information (e.g., personal notes, emails, etc.).
A narrative with evidence of the impact of student engagement outreach/campaigns including, but not limited to interventions with at-risk populations, enrichment for high-performing populations, academic skills workshops, career exploration/development, etc.
- Must include the campaign/initiative/program/event’s intent and design.
- Must include program evaluation/assessment, particularly evidence of an improved quantitative metric such as first-year retention, four-year graduation rate, lower D/F/W rates, lower excess credit hours/hours-to-degree, decreased number of map holds, lower attrition from major improving time-to-degree, etc.
A bulleted list of involvement and engagement within the FSU community (e.g., committee work, sponsorship of student groups, volunteering at campus events; etc.) and professional growth activities and/or academic advising scholarship (e.g., involvement in a graduate program, conference attendance, published research/articles/blogs, webinars, etc.). Include a brief one-to-two-sentence description for each item.
Up to three letters of recommendation from supervisor(s), colleagues, and/or campus partners.