Faculty Travel Grants

DATE: July 1, 2024
TO: All Faculty, Chairs, and Deans
David Van Winkle, Chair
Provost's Faculty Travel Grant Committee
Faculty Travel Grant Program
Spring Deadline: March 15 for travel that takes place between January 1-June 30;
Fall Deadline: October 15 for travel that takes place between July 1-December 31.
(Deadlines will be on the nearest weekday from the dates above if these fall on a weekend.)



Florida State University is committed to fostering the dissemination of new research and supporting its faculty in this endeavor. The Provost’s Faculty Travel Grants exist for this purpose. Although the travel committee utilizes strict guidelines for the distribution of funds to ensure fairness throughout the university, I would like to emphasize the availability of travel funds distributed by the committee as a vehicle for Florida State University to continue its strong presence in the research community. A few words on how we determine eligibility. First, the candidate must fulfill the criteria stated in the guidelines now available at the website indicated in the left hand column. In general, the committee criteria specify that the money will be awarded to tenured or tenure-earning faculty presenting peer-reviewed papers at national or international conferences. Second, we will give priority to applicants who have no alternative sources of support. This reflects the purpose of the program as stated in the first paragraph of the guidelines. Third, we will give priority to applicants who have not recently received support from this program. This reflects a policy described in the second paragraph on page two of the guidelines. The application form includes an item for each applicant to indicate his/her recent support history from the program. If we receive more qualified applicants than funds available, the highest priority will go to applicants who have not received an award in the last three years, with subsequent priority being assigned to those who have received one award, then two awards, then three awards. The Program supports up to $1000 in travel support that may be applied to the costs of conference attendance and participation in the U.S. and up to $1500 in travel support for conferences held outside of the U.S. (Meals, per diem and membership fees are not reimbursable through the Faculty Travel Grant.) Even with these stipulations in place, I would like to emphasize that we have been able to fund the majority of eligible faculty members for the past several years. Junior faculty, in particular, are encouraged to apply for these funds if they are in need. Spring Applications for travel that occurred or will occur between January 1 and June 30, must be submitted on or before March 15th by 5 p.m. of same year and Fall Applications for travel that occurred or will occur between July 1 and December 31, must be submitted on or before October 15th by 5 p.m. of same year (as in past years, applications may be for travel already completed if it falls within the temporal and programmatic guidelines). Further details are provided in the enclosed material. One signed copy of the application along with all supporting documentation should be electronically submitted to Office of the Provost, at provost@fsu.edu. Please direct questions about the administration of the program to the Office of the Provost (phone: 850-644-3032; provost@fsu.edu) and those surrounding other issues to the chair, David Van Winkle (phone: 850-644-6019dvanwinkle@fsu.edu). I look forward to an active year of scholarship among our research community and the opportunity to facilitate those activities through the Provost's Travel Grant Program.

Steps for Spring and Fall Travel Applications

STEP ONE: Determine eligibility:

  1. Is travel taking place between January 1st and June 30th (for Spring) or between July 1st and December 31st (for Fall)?
  2. Is the presentation for a regularly occurring national or international conference? If unsure consult guidelines. If you are still unsure, contact the chair, David Van Winkle (phone: 850-644-6019; dvanwinkle@fsu.edu).
  3. Are you the presenter?

STEP TWO: Submit application.

  1. Download application to your computer.
  2. Fill out the form electronically. Please DO NOT hand write the form. Save completed form to your computer.
  3. After the form is completed, applicant and their department chair or head must sign.
  4. Submit application and all required supporting documentation as noted on the application to the Office of the Provost at provost@fsu.edu, by March 15th at 5 pm for Spring and by October 15th at 5pm for Fall (deadlines will be on the nearest weekday from the dates above if these fall on a weekend).


  • All airfare much be purchased in Concur or over the phone with Collegiate Travel Planners (CTP).
  • Consult the Travel Reference Guide or your department travel representative for guidance.