Goal I. Metrics
1.1a Increase the number of externally funded research grants applied for by FSU faculty each year.
1.1b Increase the number of externally funded research grants applied for by FSU faculty each year.
1.1c Increase the dollar amount of externally funded grants awarded to FSU faculty each year.
1.2a Increase the number of site visits to FSU Academic Analytics External Discovery and Faculty Profiles each year.
1.2b Increase the number of earned media publications and mentions each year.
1.2c Increase the number of publications and mentions in higher education media outlets each year.
1.3a Increase the number of faculty nominations from the under-awarded with highest capacity for awards list by 10% annually.
1.3b Increase the number of prestigious and highly prestigious awards held by FSU faculty each year.
1.4a Increase the number of citations credited to FSU faculty in Web of Science (AAU) and SCOPUS (U.S. News) each year.
1.4b Increase the number of open access publications by FSU faculty each year.
1.4c Increase the percentage of FSU faculty with registered ORCIDs to 90%.
1.5a Increase the number of filled postdoc appointments in programs of strategic importance contained within the NSF survey each year.
1.5b Increase the number of doctoral and master’s degrees awarded each year.
1.5c Increase the percentage of PhD and postdoc appointment offer letters distributed by The Graduate School deadline each year.
Goal II. Metrics
2.1a Increase the number of Academic Programs with elevated rankings in U.S. News & World Report each year.
2.1b Increase the acceptance rate of doctoral and postdoc appointment decisions and offer letters each year.
2.1c Increase the number of grant-funded research faculty that employ one or more graduate student and postdoc positions.
2.2a Increase international graduate student enrollment by 20% each year.
2.2b Increase the number of students participating in international study and experiential learning by 3% each year.
2.3a Increase the number of unique articles or artistic works with international co-authors by 10% each year.
2.3b Increase the number of international collaborating entities with whom FSU researchers publish by 10% each year.
2.3c Increase the percentage of FSU researchers with international collaborations by 10% each year.
2.3c Need an international alumni engagement output metric.
2.4a Increase the number of direct links to arts.fsu.edu from sources external to the FSU network, including social media posts and media outlets.
2.4b Increase the number of public events that feature performances or creative works from the Colleges of Fine Art and the Ringling that serve community members outside the university each year.
2.5a Need a Humanities Center metric
Goal III. Metrics
3.1a Increase the number of faculty engaged in interdisciplinary research each year.
3.1b Increase the number of faculty publications in top-tier journals each year.
3.1c Increase the number of FSU faculty serving as leads on large, inter-institutional, center-level grants each year.
3.2a Increase the number of courses utilizing Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) methods to connect students with international peers and enhance intercultural learning each year.
3.2b Increase the number of students engaged in International Experiential Learning each year.
3.3a Increase the number of entities (local, regional, national, or other organizations) engaged with FSU faculty, staff, and students.
3.3b Increase the number of faculty reporting community-based research in Promotion and Tenure (P&T) review each year.
3.3c Increase the number of courses offering community-engaged learning each year.
3.3d Increase the number of students reporting community-engaged research, learning, and service each year.
3.4a Increase the percentage of undergraduate students who secured employment within three months of their graduation each year.
3.4b Increase the percentage of undergraduate students who secured employment within three months of their graduation each year.
3.4c Increase the percentage of students participating in workforce internships.
3.5a Increase active collaboration and shared enterprise resources by 3% across the FSU system each year.
3.5b Increase the percentage use of shared infrastructure each year.
3.5c Increase investment in collaborative partnerships with other Research-1 institutions and vendors to secure priority access to the latest GPU technologies for FSU faculty by 5% each year.
Goal IV. Metrics
4.1a Increase the amount of news media featuring innovation at FSU each year.
4.1b Increase the number of recorded university instances of innovation across academic units each year, inclusive of innovative curriculum, events, awards, etc.
4.1c Increase the number of faculty, staff, and students engaged in emerging technology development and evaluation each year.
4.2a Increase the number of instances dedicated innovation space is utilized for planned or unplanned events each year.
4.2b Increase the number of participants at Academic Innovators educational and social events designed to encourage collaboration and sharing of ideas each year.
4.2c Increase the number of participants in the academic innovation rewards structure each year.
4.3a Increase the percentage faculty using Research Computing Center services each year.
4.3b Increase the percentage of faculty utilizing REDCap survey software.
4.4a Increase the number of site visits to data resources on the FSU Office of Institutional Research website reflecting faculty and staff self-service with obtaining data to support informed decision making.
4.4b Increase the number of attendees at Institutional Research trainings designed to equip faculty and staff with data analysis tools each year.
4.5a Increase the number of faculty and students engaged in innovative scholarship and education through FSU Health each year.
4.5b Increase the number of faculty from institutions across the State of Florida making data requests and utilizing the central Health Data Repository each year.
4.5c Increase the number of participants in workforce and educational development trainings through InSPIRE and LSI in Northwest Florida each year.