Goal III. Tactics
3.1a Create a task force to identify structural barriers to interdisciplinary teaching and research and develop an operational plan for removing barriers across the institution.
3.1b Implement an incentive and recognition program to reward faculty publications in top-tier journals at the academic unit level.
3.1c Increase the number of FSU faculty serving as leads on large, inter-institutional, center-level grants through continued investment in FSU Research Development in the Office of Research.
3.2a Provide administrative support, training, and recognition for faculty incorporating Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) instructional methods in their courses.
3.2b Convene an International Experiential Learning working group to develop recommended actions to advance international collaborations.
3.3a Create an Office of Community Engagement to provide oversight of university-wide partnerships, coordinate and track community engagement activities, and provide support to faculty, staff, and students.
3.3b Create incentives for faculty to conduct community-based research by updating criteria in Promotion and Tenure (P&T) review.
3.3c Increase the number of experiential learning opportunities for students in community-based research projects, service-learning courses, internships, and extracurricular community service.
3.4a Grow the impact of the FSU Career Center to reach an increasing number of students and continue to build industry connections.
3.4b Engage with external stakeholders, such as the Florida Chamber of Commerce, to help lead discussions about the role of higher education in preparing the workforce and supporting economic growth.
3.5a Invest in additional enterprise collaboration and sharing resources for faculty researchers including on-campus and off-campus HPC and GPU resources at national computing centers.
3.5b Launch a user-friendly platform to enable researchers to choose from available technology resources based on project needs seamlessly.
3.5c Ensure all campus buildings have the latest network connectivity and equipment to support the highest speeds possible in support of research and innovation.