About Vision 2030

Vision 2030 is a university-wide strategic plan led by the Office of the Provost to maximize FSU's excellence by accelerating our recognition as a Top Public University, marketing our distinction among peer research institutions, expanding our impact on communities and industry, and promulgating our culture of innovation and entrepreneurship at FSU.

Rick Burnette, PhDMessage from Rick Burnette on Vision 2030.  Something about it's purpose. 

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Rick Burnette, PhD, Senior Vice Provost and Chief Strategy Officer           

Plan Development

The Vision 2030 Plan is informed by university stakeholder engagement, from FSU Leadership to a broad range of Deans, faculty, and staff across FSU's Academic Colleges, Centers, and Institutes. Plan development was initiated in 2023, with the creation of a team that reported initial goals and objectives. The team also identified resources needed to develop the plan and designed a framework for stakeholder involvement. The following operational structure of Executive, Steering, and Operational Committees were involved from 2024-2025 to develop university strategies, tactics, and metrics to achieve the Vision. 

Vision 2030 Operational Committees