NOTE: If these guidelines are not followed, the submission will not be considered for an award.
All items listed below should be placed in this order. Keep the submission as concise as possible, separating individual sections as specified below using white or colored sheets that clearly state the section name. If possible, please keep everything as one PDF file for submission.
The following items should be included:
A Title Page
The title page should list the nominee’s name, rank or position, department/college and date of hire at FSU. State prominently on the title page that this is for an Undergraduate Advising Award.
The title page should be the very first page in the submission.
Eligibility Checklist (Section 1, labeled “Eligibility Checklist”)
Insert signed Eligibility Checklist.
Up-to-date Vitae/Résumé (Section 2, labeled “Curriculum Vitae” or “Résumé,” as appropriate)
A complete, up-to-date curriculum vitae (if the nominee is a faculty member) or a current résumé (if nominee is an A&P advisor).
Assignment of Responsibilities (Section 3, labeled “Responsibilities”)
Assignment of responsibilities (if the nominee is a faculty member) or a statement of responsibilities of the nominee’s position (if nominee is an A&P advisor).
Supervisory Letter (Section 4, labeled “Supervisory Letter”)
A letter from the nominee’s supervisor describing the reasons the nominee is deserving of an award. Only one supervisory letter will be accepted; others will be deleted.
Nomination Form(s) (Section 5, labeled “Nomination Forms”)
This section will be empty when submitted to the Office of the Provost.
Upon receipt of the submission, the Office of the Provost will place copies of all nomination forms into this section. These forms will be returned to nominee after completion of the award process, unless requested otherwise.
Student Listing (Section 6, labeled “Student Listing”)
A list of students for whom the nominee has served as adviser during the prior and/or current academic year.
Statement on Advising Philosophy (Section 7, labeled “Advising Philosophy”)
Please include a one-page statement of your advising philosophy.
Other supporting materials (Section 8, labeled “Other Materials”)
Other supporting materials not to exceed eight (8) pages (e.g., copy or list of prior awards, original/unique materials used for advising, etc.).
Student Questionnaires (Section 9, labeled “Student Questionnaires”)
Please outline the criteria used for distribution of the questionnaire and include in this section.
You may distribute up to 30 questionnaires. Upon receipt of the submission, the Office of the Provost will place copies of all completed student questionnaires into this section. These questionnaires will remain confidential and will not be returned to nominee after completion of the award process.
Please note that all student questionnaires must be returned by the student directly to the University Teaching and Advising Awards Committee in care of the Provost’s Office (do not have them returned to the departmental office). Questionnaires may be mailed, faxed to 850.644.0172, or e-mailed to
Please send completed submission (formerly “binder”) via email to If your submission is too large to send directly, please use the university drop box service (found at