NOTE: If these guidelines are not followed, the submission will not be considered for an award.
All items listed below should be placed in this order. Keep the submission as concise as possible, separating individual sections as specified below using white or colored sheets that clearly state the section name. If possible, please keep everything as one PDF file for submission.
The following items should be included:
A Title Page
The title page should list the nominee’s name, department (if departmentalized), college, and whether the nominee was nominated for a graduate or undergraduate teaching award, or for a Distinguished Teacher Award (as noted on the attachment to the memo from the Provost’s office/Award Committee).
The title page should be the very first page in the submission.
Curriculum Vitae (Section 1)
Please use a cover sheet labeled “Curriculum Vitae” for this section.
Please include an up-to-date curriculum vitae that emphasizes items pertaining to teaching.
- Option 1 (faster): Print out a special FEAS CV:
- Log into FEAS by visiting
- Click on the CV button, then select Custom CV
- Select “FSU Teaching Awards CV”
- Then click the Generate CV button.
This vita places primary teaching-related information first, such as engagement and doctoral students.
- Option 2 (more work, but more control over order of content): Print out a standard vita and highlight relevant text within the document.
If nominated for a graduate teaching award, please include a list of all master’s and doctoral student committees on which you have served during your time at FSU. This list may either be included as part of the curriculum vitae, or as a separate page (or pages) immediately following the curriculum vitae.
Assignments of Responsibilities (Section 2)
Please use a cover sheet labeled “Assignments of Responsibilities” for this section.
Please include copies of all signed Assignment of Responsibilities forms from the past three academic years, organized from most recent to oldest, including the current academic year. For example, if you have been nominated for a teaching award during AY 2019/2020, you should include your Assignments of Responsibilities from AY 2019/2020, AY 2018/2019, and AY 2017/2018. Forms should indicate either a written signature or have the electronic signature trail showing.
Eligibility Checklist (Section 3)
Please use a cover sheet labeled “Eligibility Checklist” for this section.
Please include a copy of the eligibility checklist, signed by the departmental chairperson or college dean certifying that the nominee meets the eligibility requirements for the award.
Nomination Form(s) (Section 4)
Please use a cover sheet labeled “Nomination Forms” for this section.
This section will be empty when submitted to the Office of the Provost.
Upon receipt of the submission, the Office of the Provost will place copies of all nomination forms into this section. These forms will be returned to nominee after completion of the award process, unless requested otherwise.
Student Questionnaires (Section 5)
Please use a cover sheet labeled “Student Questionnaires” for this section.
Please include a copy of the signed form outlining the distribution of student questionnaires.
Upon receipt of the submission, the Office of the Provost will place copies of all completed student questionnaires into this section. These questionnaires will remain confidential and will not be returned to nominee after completion of the award process.
Please note that all student questionnaires must be returned by the student directly to the University Teaching and Advising Awards Committee in care of the Provost’s Office (do not have them returned to the departmental office). Questionnaires may be mailed, faxed to 850.644.0172, or e-mailed to
Teaching Philosophy (Section 6)
Please use a cover sheet labeled “Teaching Philosophy” for this section.
Please include a one page statement of your teaching philosophy.
A teaching philosophy statement describes ideas that shape one’s perceptions and influence one’s actions as a teacher. As an expression of personal values and priorities, teaching philosophies vary greatly in their writing style and specific inclusions. However, a successful approach anchors general concepts in concrete examples, capturing both broad ideas and one’s practical application of these principles enacted through teaching. The statement should transcend a simple accounting of teaching achievements.
For further guidance see
- Montell, G. (2003). How to write a statement of teaching philosophy. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Available at
- Lewis, M. (2014). Teaching statement as self-portrait. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Available at
Supporting Materials (Section 7)
Please use a cover sheet labeled “Supporting Materials” for this section.
You may include up to eight (8) letter-sized pages of other supporting materials, such as a list of prior teaching awards, descriptions of courses where the nominee is not listed as the major instructor, details of teaching activities outside FSU, or unsolicited letters from students. You may include photocopies of cards, letters, etc.
No solicited comments from students, which include all open-ended comments from student evaluations, may be included.
Courses Taught (Section 8)
Please use a cover sheet labeled “Courses Taught” for this section.
Please include a list of all courses taught during the past three academic years, organized from most recent to oldest, including the current academic year. Using the custom FEAS procedure explained below will generate a document that includes all types of courses taught, including all graduate and undergraduate courses, as well as special topics courses, directed individual studies, dissertation, and thesis credits.
Print out a special FEAS+ custom document:
- Log into FEAS+ by visiting
- Click on the “Report” button
- Click on “Teaching Summary – Custom Report”
- Select “FSU Teaching Awards Report”
- Then click on “Generate Report”
Course Details (Section 9 and forward)
Please use a separate sheet labeled with the course prefix and number (e.g. “LIS 5203”) for each individual course detailed in this way. [FOR EXAMPLE: you will have a sheet with “Course Details” on it; then a sheet with the first course “LIS 5203” (as an example), followed by the most recent/up-to-date syllabus for that course, followed by the student evaluation summaries for that course. Then the next course and its materials, etc., etc.]
If you are being considered for a graduate teaching award, you should not include details for any undergraduate courses in this section; likewise, if you are being considered for an undergraduate teaching award, you should not include details for any graduate courses. You may include details about directed individual studies (or similar courses) at your discretion, but you are not required to do so.
For each different course taught during the past three academic years, including the current academic year, as you have noted on the list in section 8 above, please include the following details:
A course cover sheet, listing student enrollments, grade distributions, and summary evaluation scores for each time this course was taught during the past three academic years; please include courses currently being taught, but leave the grade distribution and student evaluation sections blank. The automatic course cover sheet FEAS link below will provide the student enrollment, grade distributions and summary evaluation scores for each course. Or alternately, a blank course template document is available via link below for manual completion. Both documents give the opportunity to add notes if necessary to describe special circumstances for a course. The blank course template document may be duplicated as many times as necessary for courses taught repeatedly over the past three academic years. You may include courses taught during the summer terms at your discretion.
A copy of the most representative or up-to-date version of this course’s syllabus. Please include only one syllabus, no matter how many times this course has been taught during the past three academic years, except in cases such as special topics courses where completely different syllabi are used with each course. Unless noted otherwise, the teaching awards committee will assume that minor revisions and updates are made to the syllabus each time the course is taught. If desired, you may include sample assignment descriptions, examinations, etc., along with the syllabus.
Copies of all student evaluation summaries (including SPOTs, SUSSAIs, eSUSSAIs, and SPCIs) for each time this course was taught during the past three academic years. If summaries are not included for any instance of this course as listed on the course cover sheet (excluding courses currently being taught), please explain why. Do not include any free text responses from the student evaluations.
Download the Cover Sheet
To print the course forms, you will want to follow these steps:
- Log into
- Click on the “Report” button
- In the drop-down list, select “Teaching Award Course Cover Sheet”
- In the second drop-down list, select your course
- Click on the “Generate Report” button
- Repeat for each course in the second drop-down list
For help with FEAS documents:
Tiffany Phillips
IT Support Specialist
Office of Faculty Development and Advancement
Please send completed submission (formerly “binder”) in PDF format via email to If your submission is too large to send directly, please use the university drop box service (found at